Sunday, November 16, 2008

Remembering John

As you all know I participated in the HomeWalk 5K yesterday which benefits the homeless community of Los Angeles. After finishing the walk I headed to the Mid-Wilshire area. Berendo and 3rd streets to be exact. The place where John McGraham a homeless man was doused with gasoline and set on fire by a/or pathetic/s monster/s who murdered this poor man for unknown reasons. The thought of this horrible act sickens me to my stomach. I wish the monster/s who commited this act bad health and a slow death. I wish his, her, or their family suffers aswell. Die a slow death you son of a bitch/es. How the fuck can you do that to a person. There is no pass on this one you coward/s. Necks will break. Satanas Te Busca!!!

My Visit Pictures:








Mr. Rangel @ Mural

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